Viewing of the dangers of smoking in terms of health and fears some would cigarettes have become idols momentary pleasure as represented by a poet Taufik Ismail . It 's all smoke disappears when viewed from an economic standpoint very menuntungkan country despite health costs borne by the state is not comparable to the cigarette tax revenues .
The target of cigarette tax revenue, so fantastic amounts to 79 trillion . What happens when the target is not achieved , it may be in trim fuel subsidies run out . So if we are going to encourage people to smoke in order to continue subsidized fuel . ?
Money circulating among the tobacco industry is very fantastic . It is estimated that smokers in Indonesia continues to grow so that the target of the national cigarette production rose too terkerek lawful market . It is estimated that the national cigarette production target of more than 300 billion cigarettes .. ! If we assume the average price of the least expensive 500 dollars / trunk , then the money is burned is 150 trillion a year .. ! . Suppose the state could impose a ban or strictly control the smokers or there is a strong effort to prevent people to quit smoking . Undoubtedly tens of billions of money could be saved for not burned and contributed money to subsidize fuel , it 's over the fuel price hike issue .
Which is ironic is the highest increase in smokers in our country it is located at a young age strata , children , teenagers and even women also become new smokers . Yet the enormity of the effects of smoking can cause a variety of diseases and of course will drain public health funds and government . Losses caused by an estimated 300 trillion cigarettes , this is clearly not comparable to pursue budget target of 79 trillion cigarettes only .
Naturally Indonesia underestimated by the international community for having children of his own people for the sake soluble in the cigarette smoking addiction and the " penggedenya " . Because it is our one of the countries that have not signed the international regulation of cigarettes . In western countries alone or with our nearest neighbor cigarettes sold at very high prices and are not sold freely and easily obtained , they even require cigarette packs were given a terrible image of smoking . The children were not able to purchase cigarettes easily just adults who can afford it .
Koran Tempo ( Friday , 13 April 2012 ) proclaim export clove cigarettes from Indonesia to Brazil because Brazil hampered the possibility to implement the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act as in force the United States and Australia . So cigarettes are sold there must be a plain wrapper from the previous pictorial fruits such as strawberries . This image is considered to be too tempting young smokers to try . The restriction applies cigarettes in Australia since the end of last year because of all the cigarette packs are required to olive green with no picture . The rule is named Plain Cigarette Packaging Law was based on the results of research that says green is not attractive to most smokers . Cigarette companies are only allowed to put a brand with a small size . What about in Indonesia .. ?
How can our nation going forward due to the effects of smoking habits and more people are becoming sick ( both active smokers and passive smokers ) . Sluggish blood flow to the brain and makes agility of thinking and reduced intelligence . Big lie to say that cigarettes increase the agility and sources of inspiration such as advertising on television . A few examples are sports fields we are getting the biggest sponsor of the tobacco companies . In recent years we have always degenerate badminton team performance because there is no blessing because cigarette menyengsarakaan funded by the people . It could be that the respiratory system if the athletes we 've tainted cigarettes . Unlike athletes from other countries are well protected by the country's smoking problem . And the sad we can see how the Garuda on my chest should be slaughtered to 10-0 by bahrain , losing stamina . Keep in mind also is the primary sponsor of the non league football in Indonesia .
It used to be when the draft law on tobacco control could be busy with a number of chapters missing ( Paragraph 2 of Article 113 of Law No. 36 of 2009 ) in the Bill even said to involve the chairman of the Committee predicated woman doctor from a major party . Thank God now it has resurfaced article even this bill has been passed into law on Tobacco Control , even now being prepared lesson plans on tobacco control is one of Pictorial Health Warning , the necessity of applying image effects due to smoking , the offer is how big the picture was included in the pack cigarettes .
Although the Tobacco Control Act was approved but Indonesia is very unfortunate in this case the leader of the nation , still has not ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco ( FCTC ) . Whether because of pressure from the tobacco companies or funding from the cigarette tax is so great . But smoking was impoverishing the penghisapnya . Affordability or level of the purchasing power of Indonesian cigarettes are very high to reach nmudah means . Smoking is the second highest expenditure after rice for the poor Indonesian . Surprisingly again according to the study LD - FE UI that poor people do not feel able to finance their children's schools while spending on buy cigarettes when totalized then enough to pay for their children's school . Purchasing cigarettes a priority of the nutritious food . So if there BLSM ( Direct Assistance meantime ) as a substitute fuel price hike should be the recipient should not smoke .. !
This fact contrasts with the owner of the cigarette factory . Two Indonesian cigarette industry owners perched on the order of No. 1 and No. 2 richest man in Indonesia . Even more powerful octopus cigarette manufacturers simply controlled by five large factories , two of which are Philip Morris ( Sampoerna ) and British American Tobacco ( Bentoel ) . To sampoerna yangsangat they have big factory in Bekasi Cibitung and filigree . Which became their flagship product is Djie sam soe ( Clove ) and Marlboro ( White Cigarettes ) .
At present all the latest cigarette manufacturing machine can make 10,000 stems / min , when compared speeds handmade cigarettes , one pack of cigarettes most quickly resolved by the time of 2.5 minutes . So if the cigarette machine converted with a modern equivalent of more than 2000 workers .
Kudus in Central Java which is the center of the tobacco industry is the largest recipient of the cigarette tax in Indonesia . With 25 trillion more tax revenue . In a district in West Java which is a place where tobacco companies get a share of more than 2 billion per year . A small portion of them for anti-smoking counseling . While cigarette advertising costs incurred nearly 2 trillion more per year for a tobacco company , it's not what it's ass money 2 billion when the funds are released to Jamkesda any more than that .
Currently many NGOs NGOs are struggling to make people aware of the dangers of smoking addiction . Among the NGOs that have been declared anti-smoking , among others , LDUI , UI , Muhamadiyyah . Now the anti- tobacco activists launched a book entitled A Giant Pack of Lies , a book that highlights the superiority of the tobacco industry in Indonesia . The book was written by Mardiyah Chamim , Rev. Dhyatmika , Farid Gaban and his friends as a manifestation of their concern for the regulatory push for more pro -smoking policy in public health . In this book about the investigation sparked various parties reveal all the lies used by the tobacco industry to attract more young people to smoke . Internationally too many international foundations that fund anti-smoking aid disbursed for anti-smoking campaigns , such as Bloomberg Philanthropy belongs to Bill Gates .
In addition to writing campaign and other movements unisex volunteers who go directly to awaken and stop smoking with various terapy . There are lots of methods and therapy that is used to stop the smoking addiction , among others with drug Champix and techniques SEFT ( Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique ) is a technique that combines self development ekletis 14 technical kinds of therapy . Including the spiritual strength to cope with a wide variety of physical problems , emotional thoughts , attitudes , motivation , behavior and personal development . For smokers SEFT technique is very easy to run just 5 minutes without any side effects with full-blooded and hypnoterapy . The volunteers are members of Forum Communications Counselors work closely with health centers Cigarette move to villages to menerapy smokers who want to quit smoking .
Are you paying over $5 / pack of cigarettes? I'm buying all my cigs at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 70% on cigarettes.