wide variety of character and moral crisis has continued to spread ,
and mewabak rampant in our society typically among adolescents . Instead
of Patience bosia , pregnant out of wedlock , followed by disposal in a
trash zuriat , penderaan , gengsterisme and vandalism , Rogol ,
discordant mahram , hooked bye , hinggalah to mat rempit .Various Patience Patience jenayah applies also involves Juvana . In 1995, 1,895 Patience involves Juvana . Than
the number of stolen vehicles or KES 406 ( 21:42 peratus ) , other
theft KES 451 ( 23.80 % ) , broke the night 324 KES ( 17:10 % ) , steal
the building / people pay KES 277 ( 14.62 % ) , bringing injury 154 KES ( 8:13 % ) , broken homes daytime KES 148 ( 7.81 % ) , Rogol KES 70 ( 3.70 % ) and Samun 58 KES ( 3:06 % ) . Perangkaan
- perangkaan that this menggerunkan menyerlahkan to us how serious
moral crisis that hit the teens in our country as this .
bahawa our moral education with sixteen patio values , civic
education , Islamic education , distance education , and so on ; still
much to be able to handle the crisis and slump in this field . Certain
factors such as seeking gratification of lust, want to free themselves
from poverty , partnership dark , bye , bertelingkah with parents ,
failed in peperiksaan , bored sitting at home , the trauma of sex acts
and apparently so is more influential than the care of institutions than it is .
Development of a person's character should dibahagikan kepad three stages :a) The initial stage of childhoodb ) mid and late stage of childhoodc ) Phase baligh and adolescents
ranked first
In this ranking early childhood to establish confidence persekitarannya . This process is highly dependent on the mother caresses quest where mothers meet emotional needs and physiology. Relationship
of mother and child in this ranking is maintained and perkukuhkan
necessary so that the child has the confidence and the surrounding
natural environment . Children
who are not obtained the mother's attention and affection in this stage
of emotional development and fizikalnya may be stunted . The children appear smaller than they actually age .
In the ranking of 18 months to 3 years early childhood switch rather than relying solely to the mother . Early childhood keperibadiannya form of its own, where he fights to make his own choice . In this ranking natural mother gives full attention . Failure
of the child to realize the independence cause he will not hesitate to
himself and less confident in his ability as well as result in reduced
confidence to others . The children will be embarrassed and feel deprived .
Keupayaan children to be independent and feel kewujudan her own quite important in this ranking . In this stage of the development of personal qualities such as love , hate , ego and the freedom to uncover feelings . In
the ranking of 3 to 6 years old child continues to develop independence
with activities that are more widespread ; where they are more active ,
have higher stages are concerned , a lot to ask and talk . Natural
parents and caregivers of childhood lead wisely so that they acquire
the skills to organize and arrange things so that a kid triumphed
implement . Service is rude and excessive violence harms the soul should , mental and fizikal childhood.
parents consider a child on a parent 's rank in the word erties put
moral responsibility and morality to the actions and reactions of
childhood kerana still not able to tell the difference with the right
and understand something . They shall be loved , treated with gentleness and tolerance . Prophet S.A.W. himself never showed such properties . Abu Qatabah narrated that one day the Prophet came out to see us . He mendokong Umamah Abu ' Asr . He prayed while mendokong Umamah , when King bowing , and when he put it up he initially supported Umamah . This
Hadith Rasulullah to imagine how loving cucunya.Beliau not treat it as a
human being who understands all the child - galanya.Beliau justify
walhal prayer praying with him when it was a holy worship in Islam .
Rating mid and late childhood
this ranking early childhood expanding arena of social relationships
and interaction with others who compatriot or schoolmate or rakan also
her age . Early childhood adapt to new circumstances in life . He initially tell the difference deeds and other types of behavior favored by others or vice versa . He delighted if others are satisfied with his actions . Instead he was disappointed , sorry if other people get mad at him . This is the true beginning for the formation of a noble character .
Positive character development is causing a child always trying to align themselves with the will of the will of others. Between inclination and motivation with religious values , morals , traditions , teachers , regulations and laws . In
this ranking terteralah consciousness of moral responsibility within
the child so that he reaches the stage of moral development 3rd . In
this ranking parents and teachers need to be doubts about the tendency
is very necessary and wise directed so that the child can be obtained
the main model ( role model ) in addition to develop towards the values
of kindness .
Ranked third ranked namely baligh and adolescents
The character development during early roots and steady . Fizikal early childhood growing and growing . This development was followed by the development sosioemosinya where the child obtained the first keperibadiannya unique . He first felt a ' sense of belonging to a larger group . This
rating is ranked very komplikated ( complicated ) and he was
accompanied by new experiences and role - pengelaman and new
opportunities . Menyerlahnya kejantinaan urge further complicates his relationships with others . Keupayaan fizikalnya increasingly firm and mencapah . Schooling increased responsibilities come , first formed his discipline .
Early childhood turned into a man who seeks the will escort her instincts . He first subjecting themselves to prime example that has absorbed much inside her . He makes a prime example of such a criterion in behavior and situations that are moral . He
will beriltizam with the proposition - the proposition and the same
example shown no manifestation in the form of laws , systems , customs
and social culture or lack thereof .
Related to the development of moral perfection perfection sense development , psychological and social . Huzaifah
narrated the Prophet said : "Do not be a pack also . Guys said if
someone else made for you both well . If they make you evil evil .
However mantapkanlah your establishment . Reasonable if the good guys do
good . Commit a crime if they do not did you guys do . "The establishment of the Islamic Youth Morals
of morality in Islam begins with the inauguration of faith through
pledges bahawa no God actually worship except Allah and Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah . For a new child is born Exposure dimula with azan and iqamat . In the next rank childhood trained with live cultures are Muslim by his parents . Tongue when the kids are trained they may speak the name of God and some quick verses such as :
وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولدا ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبره تكبيرا ( 111 )And
say : " Praise be given to God who has no children , and no allies in
the affairs of His kingdom for Him , and for Him there is no recourse
because something weakness , and you shall glorify the raising and mean
it! "
prayer to the mother or father :
واخفض لهما جناح الذل من الرحمة وقل رب ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا ( 24 )and others.
creed as a process of moral development bergandingan with seven
conditions which mustahak filled as mentioned by Saikh Yusuf al - Badri :
a) Science of denying ignoranceb ) denying God 's love to the love of othersc ) The belief that denying doubtsd ) Acceptance of denying rejectione ) Compliance which negates the disavowalf ) that deny the sincerity kesyirikang ) Honesty belie or deny the nature of just emoting .
of the meaningful sentences monotheism education shaping the thinking ,
feeling and planting the values of faith expressed by the Prophet as
60 or 70 more branches within Islam . Indeed human consciousness about kewujudan , greatness , power and oneness of Almighty Allah will certainly lead to a high keperihatinan with its directives .
the same context , the main cases that need to be done by a Muslim is
to make sure he was clean of infidelity or signs of infidelity to God
and His Messenger ; namely Samada deny the principle religious matters ,
or matters that do cancel creed . Then
, he had to make sure her regardless of the properties of hypocrisy ,
which is a response Samada mahupun that is practice . Hypocrisy
in response for example , believes something bercanggah with the
essence of Islam is truth walhal tongue saying he did the truth of Islam
. The
hypocrisy in deeds are done - moral character who does not abide
hypocrites like appointments , familiarize yourself with the mendacious
and treacherous nature . He shall ensure himself clean than wickedness or penderhakaan to God . Do not do what is forbidden by Allah . Not violate the commandments of God . Muslim man must refrain from all evil ; physically and mentally .
Perlaksanaan moral development begins with :1 - prayer .2 - charity and donation .3 - fasting .4 - Hajj .5 - to read al quran .6 - remembrance .7 - think of the creation of God .8 - the remembrance of death and shorten wishful thinking .9 - muraqabah , muhasabah , mujahadah and mu'atabah .10 - jihad , kindness and charity nahi unjust .11 - dedication and are tawadduk .12 - Satan devised to recognize and deflect and shut people laluannya .13 - knowing the types of liver disease and to find out ways to take care .
How to Awaken Muslim Morals
According to Shaikh Abdul Rahman al Midani ; human morality is evolving and may be formed in various ways . Among these ways are through :
a- Exercise Amali and deeds-deeds Clearing the Mind
education not only through the explanation of moral values to the
society in which they may choose and appreciate these values but also
moral education should be made by trained repeatedly , perlaksanaan or
appreciation of the quest for example . Although
in the initial rank he held kerana direction or pressure from the
outside , but over time it will become a habit and character . Sememangnya man seeks obtained the moral or noble trait through this approach . Prophet s.a.w. said ( meaning ) :
"Send your children to pray when they are seven years old , and beat them kerana leave when their age ( reach ) ten years .
prayer be accustomed from childhood , then fasting , remembrance and
tilawatul Qur'an also be practiced from childhood and the quest ; thus
become a common practice and cultural life . This practice must practice will gradually be custom or habit of a person .
b - Put Yourself In The Environment Persekitaran Salah
Social and cultural Persekitaran often affect humans . Persekitaran summarizes the tradition , the model behavior and the proposition as well as stimuli that are moral . Humans are often affected to persekitarannya ; modeled by imitating and by their disanjungi figure . Kewujudan
someone in the community is good and pious he will inevitably
beriltizam with practice and ethics are internalized by the collection .
He will try to implement something disanjungi by society . Conversely , actions that are considered heinous by the environment , it will seek Federal International efforts to avoid it.In the context of this environment confirms the impression of Allah said :والبلد الطيب يخرج نباته بإذن ربه والذي خبث لا يخرج إلا نكدا كذلك نصرف الآيات لقوم يشكرونThat is :"The
state is good ( prosperous ) will display the results mahsulnya ( good
and councilors ) with the permission of god , when country is bad , it
will not be able to produce unless the expenditure is bad . Thus we
propose regalia We are grateful to the people . "Surah Al ' Araf , verse 58 :
Poor communities are communities that do not implement the law of God . They menguatkuasakan rules and laws of human creation that deviate from the straight path of Allah . Thus , citizens will certainly thrive in the social issues that are not councilors . They will be affected by the symptoms rapidly growing crime in the community affected by the phenomenon of moral respect .
c - qudwah Hasanah
Humans are also influenced by his idol . The idol is often a roll model in their lives . Human
role models to roll among others are political figures, artists ,
artisans , Sports athletes , parents , teachers and so on . Although
arguably the most ideal qudwah for Muslims , but the appreciation of
the values brought by Prophet shall pertain presented by idol groups .
They naturally was always trying to show an example and role model to be emulated by the admirable young generation . Appreciation
of the idol group the noble values and will certainly strengthen
confidence major new generation bahawa virtue and nobleness indeed
actually be implemented . He
is not the days of yore or fictional idealism : but instead It is a
reality that must be modeled and realized by the present generation .Allah Almighty says :لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة لمن كان يرجو الله واليوم الآخر وذكر الله كثيراintend ;"
verily Allah is to you is a good example to follow those who expect God
expects ( reward ) the Hereafter , and they are often the remembrance
of Allah . " Surah al- Ahzab , verse 21 .
d - Social Pressure Of Islamic Society
the mechanisms used by adherents of Islam in the form and make sure
they carry a certain code of conduct that was his form of social local
community and are committed to the basic principles of Islam . Islamic societies have a huge impact and a strong influence in forcing individuals practicing or by values and moral norms . They should carry out a memorable moral pressure to discipline the group tended to commit crimes . Human beings like to be praised , honored and applauded . Humans also afraid dikeji and dicemuh by a collection in which he has a sense of belonging to them . These factors is the key to determine which bit as much as the behavior of a person . Islamic Society should actively foster the spirit and practice role moral life . He also may stem the trends kufr and immorality in society through charitable perlaksanaan mak'ruf and nahi unjust . If
the public loses its concern kewajipan enforce kindness and prevent the
unjust , the moral penghakisan bermulalah process , morals and dignity
of people with respect .
e - Powerful Islamic State through the justice system and galakannya
Demands of morality and values will not bermaya without digandingi by power or menguatkuasakan autoriti that such values . By
kerana it , between the responsibility of the Islamic state is to
realize the mechanism and wheel - wheel pentadbiran which can operate to
ensure order and appreciation Siwak Siwak - morals in society . If
the state does not implement this mandate kerana it is not based system
and the institutionalization of Islamic law is definitely the morals of
the people will be more severe and malang.Melalui dozens of ministries ,
Statutory bodies , agencies would be sued and moral kingdom dihakis . Deeds unjust government promising annihilation not only in the field of morals , but also in all respects.Aside
from what has been stated above, the character also be shaped by the
mass media , school , peer rakan , mosque or surau and so on . To more clearly be worthwhile to explain the role of each one :
f - The Role of Mass Media
The mass media is a mechanism that has a profound impact on the formation and memorable human keperibadian . He is an agent of socialization and play an important role in growing and promoting moral deeds-deeds in the community . Mencorakkan liver mass media capable mind , mentaliti and sahsiah people who typically operate 24 hours . The
media need to be free of cengkaman ideology of secularism , which is
beyond the commercial culture , ideology and material encouragement to
live in luxury and berpoya - Poya . Mass
media shall have the philosophy and principles of the basics of
communication in harmony with the moral values of Islam . The
mass media personnel shall enhance the flavor akauntabiliti ,
responsibility and kewajipan them to favor and uphold the noble values
such as truth , honesty , and so on .
mass media users primarily responsible group like ibubapa , teachers ,
political leaders and let pentadbir wiser in leading , guiding ,
improving rasionaliti , maturity and alertness as well as select
broadcast keupayaan more useful for ditontoni by children or people who
are in under their surveillance . Mass
media may in fact also be a vehicle for "cultural domination and
imperialism " through various channels intimation sophisticated
technologies such as the Internet , multimedia and so on .
g - Role of School
The school has its own function in educating a new generation of Islamic morality . Among other things the school should :1 . Doubling
keberkesanan educational institutions , adding produktivitinya ,
increasing his authority among all its members be they students or staff
.2 . Improve
schooling atmosphere , empower laws or regulations relating to the
typical Islamic schooling , improve relations among members of the
school or institution .3 . Firmly
staked to the pure values and good morals as the basis of
consciousness respecting the observance of the rules and the authorities
, keeping the feelings of others , maintain service standards in their
interaction , to sacrifice for the benefit of the bustling , working ,
doing self- criticism , self escort , appreciate science , respect scholars ' and so on .4 . Repair
schooling achievements of students in terms of qualities and quantities
, educating them in terms of religion , morality and fair social and
counsel , to prepare them to assume the duties and responsibilities they
will face ; beside train them to punish or judge yourself as a mature and independent -minded .
The students in the school shall be trained in order to humble yourself and honor the people they hang out with them . They ought to be encouraged rather give than receive . In their hearts should dicambahkan conviction bahawa hand that gives is more important than the hand that receives . Ascetic feeling well nourished in his heart and in foster care in order not to be a mercenary .
have also taken care of so as not to spit in the majlis or berkahak ,
no big yawn in front of people , do not put the foot on one leg to
another , and does not reproduce a conversation . Children should be encouraged not just a lot of talk except to answer . They must be trained to hear the speech of clever , even more so if the people who speak it are older than she.
They must ditegah coarse words , or hanging out with people who celupar . Precisely between kaedah educate children is to protect them from the evil rakan - rakan . Aside from the beautiful well justified after learning they frolic to refresh their bodies after a fatigue study . They let nurtured into obedience to parents , teachers and their menghurmati .
from the training and discipline as above , students should also be
trained to appreciate the duties and responsibilities in a way that wise
, gentle, unhurried implement violence or coercion through penderaan . Compliance is born of conviction and inner consciousness is usually more impressive and steady . For an educator using punitive measures let the case most recently in his thoughts ; Samada their class teacher or father . Even if the law was about to be charged to students who need to just let our other features.
Guidance and advice is gentle but firm sometimes leave an impression in the hearts and obeyed . Penderaan penalty or major step is not the only solution . Penderaan
is the last step if a good example , the advice and relationship of
affection between children and fathers or teachers no longer able to use
Prophet said that meant :"Let
your kids when you perform prayers on the age of seven years and beat
them ( kerana reluctant prayer ) when they are ten years old " . ( Hadith narrated by Abu Daud ) .
Thus in Islam learning does not begin with rattan or punishment . Even
preceded by various ways and approaches to foster habits and morals are
commendable as train prayer using innate tendency to mimic the
childhood and with a sense of loving adults . For example by describing examples , advice , a kind word , a gentle rebuke but firm and so on . Had these methods fail then apply a bit of violence aimed at educating fizikal not that cause disability and so on .
The Word of God :
فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم ولو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك"
By the grace of Allaah thee thou prostrate their faces . Had hard and
your heart ( attitude ) nescaya rough break-up of all around you .( Surah Ali Imran : verse 159 )
The commonplace nature of learning in school is often influenced by the nature of students , habits and morals of teachers . Had a good moral teacher has students are affected by this character . Thus instead . Negative
view of students not setakat terhad to teachers but also may reach out
to the subjects , the school and so the whole school system .
School discipline shall be implemented with spirit of cooperation . Great teacher , nazir , teachers, students ibubapa even let both play a role . This
means there must be acceptance and permuafakatan about the police and
the ways to realize them seboleh - bolehnya of all parties so that each
protect and defend it .
to overcome problems in school ought to eliminate the causes stem from
the principal or where it came from that problem . This includes setting helps eliminate or endorse any of the behavior of students . In addition, the settlement also may be in trying to take preventive steps and mengujudkan a more positive atmosphere . This is based on the principle of " prevention is better than cure" .
the steps that may be performed by the school to build morals is to
hold kempen menyedarkan students about the need to respect school
discipline , a discipline explains about why it was made and multiplied
by mempelbagaikannya aktiviti school , use or meet future student field ,
connecting manner of measure - associate learning the purposes themselves and their communities and other measures .
h - The role of peer rakan
Among the influential social agents in shaping individual attitudes and morals are rakan peer . Rakan is a peer reference group for youth in their behavior . Feeling a "sense of belonging " to the collection is a commonplace . Teens will customize and adapt the values rakan peers to gain acceptance and pengakuran them . Teens
do menyedari the gulf between their generation with a collection of
mature and they often face problems in creating a relationship with the
older generation . Study
conducted by Lambert and rakan existence of such (1972 ) showed
teenagers face a variety of conflicts when they attempt merentasi abyss
generation ( generation gap ) between their thoughts and the thoughts
ibubapa them .
The study demonstrated that male and female adolescent problems are :1 . Effortless to discuss their problems with them and the guards ibubapa their2 . difficulty to tell ibubapa and their carers about what they do3 . his form rather wide gap between the way their minds with the thought ibubapa and their guards .By
kerana the teen group commonly refers example rakan peer and social
groups to receive guidance towards completing their problems . Oversight
in the select group of equivalent Samada rakan bye friends with
collectors , flea Lepak , gangster or collection samseng , bohsia and so
would lead to the obliteration morals teen and adult classes .i - The role of houses of worship
For Muslims , the most important synagogue is a mosque . This is where Muslims often gather to worship Allah in congregation . Because
that's where the sake only of Muslims in the country , and even in the
big cities of the world caught mosque that various forms and shapes . Some are small and some are big . The mosque was always a symbol of the people and the grandeur of the Islamic government . As
places of worship mosques have a role and influence in the continuing
appreciation of the moral values of Islam in society . Continuity of culture , way of life and the symbols of Islam lumrahnya diperkukuhkan by this institution . Because
it was the first case performed by the Prophet Muhammad emigrated to
Medina when the king is to foster Munauwarah al Masjid Quba ' and the
Prophet's Mosque .
Knowledge learned in the mosque during the first bersepadu with a value of unity, spirit and morals of Islam . He confirmed ubudiah mengimbaukan piety and man to God . Dipelajar science that brings blessing and improve characteristics khasyatullah or fear Allah . Thus was born the scholars and scientists are honest , pious and dedication . If the spirit and appeal as it was no longer science overlaid with the spirit of materialism and greed of man . Because it came by scientists very secular hate Islam and the teachings of God itself.
are various forms of scientific activities , culture and society that
may run in the yard or in the mosque for the purpose of confirming
morals and sahsiah people . Among them are :1 . Obligatory classes Ain2 . Class Tajuid & Qiraat .3 . Youth Guidance class .4 . Arabic classes .5 . Periodic lectures .6 . Motivation and Formation Seminar Syakhsiah .7 . Happy Household course .8 . Handling courses bodies .9 . Madrasah or Recitation Formal Systems .10 . Course Da'wah and Imamate .11 . Tadarus al - Quran ceremony .12 . Khemah Ibadan & Qiamullail .13 . Handling Course mosque .14 . Amar activities Ma'Ruf & Nahi Munkar .15 . Stress Management Seminar Resource mosque .16 . Kempin Mosque prosperity .17 . Organization formed Belia Masjid ( Mosque Rakan )
whole social agency , Insight kingdom , Ministry and Statutory Bodies ,
NGOs and Corporate bodies , private and let lay digembling to jointly
improve the qualities of good character role by holding kempen Samada
people live ethical and moral or waging reference books explain the moral values and so on .
and tasks to build , cultivate and improve the quality of his trademark
character of the people among teenagers is a big responsibility . He can not be done by human beings except his prime with big hearts and have a high humanitarian qualities . He had started with the birth of the leaders of the moral, faith and fear . Iltizam
a leader who has not parted for the sets of moral values of Islam ,
has a very high spiritual , inherited traits struggle Prophet who was
sent to build character and nobility would receive government positions
and then make sure all the people performing prayers , zakat issued ,
ordering the kindness , to prevent the unjust , justifies what is permissible by Allah , forbid what is forbidden by Allah . They menguatkuasakan Islamic system of life which is to defend morality . They implement the laws of God that actually does protect the moral values and norms in society .
the leader of the pious and righteous agents of socialization and the
whole kingdom will menghala wheel in the same direction . The people will be formed by the media who are ethical and moral . The
bad outside influences in the design will be sealed Samada tv , film ,
internet or anything else that threatens nevertheless influence maruah
identity and race . Fundamentals of community development ministries and agencies will be in tune with the demands of moral values and order . Not apply the conflict between work and merosak build character simultaneously in a mill - wheel regard .
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