Rabu, 20 November 2013
Adolescence (adolescence) is a vital period and determine. He was a period in which the process of transition (displacement) as a bridge that connects between childhood and adulthood. This period marked the various changes; physical, hormonal and started functioning reproductive organs; haidl, wet dreams, and so forth. Therefore, at the same time, the period of adolescence is so synonymous with the presence of all sorts of efforts to find and define his identity as part of the family and the community where he hangs out.
So that, as it refers to the World Health Organizarion (WHO) or the World Health Organization, defines youth as individuals who are going through the transition; terms of biological sexual maturity are gradually showing secondary sex characteristics until they reach sexual maturity, in terms of psychological development , soul emerging from childishness to maturity; socio-economic terms it is individuals who move from dependence to be relatively free.
In order for the changes that occur in adolescence has a positive impact, the role of parents is absolutely necessary. Not without reason, it is important that the youth was mistaken then fill his teenage years and not easily fall into the valley of disgrace; promiscuity, drugs, free sex, and other such. In addition to the role of parents is absolutely necessary, raise awareness and understanding about adolescent reproductive health by themselves as early as possible, it is also very necessary. So that the ideals to be smart and healthy adolescents not only understood by parents, but also embedded in the teen's own self.
In adolescence, reproductive health must be a priority. Reproductive health, as referred to in Chapter (Nan) VII of the Plan of Action results ICDP, 1994, is defined as: a state of physical, mental, social feasibility as a whole, in all matters relating to the reproductive system following funsi-functions and its processes.
Therefore, a few steps below, should be a reference to the youth (of course with the guidance of parents) that can then be smart and healthy to understand the changes that are closely related to their reproductive health. Thus, with these steps, anxiety or fear, and all negative effects that often prevails and perceived by teens can be avoided.
First, make the parents as key partners. Yes, make parents as a shelter, share, and
exchange experiences of all youth activities, especially with regard to complaints that often occurs in adolescence. Because unlike the others, by parents, respects privacy will be guaranteed confidentiality. Second, look for good information about reproductive health. In an age which is too advanced, it is not difficult to find information on adolescent reproductive health, through the internet, newspapers, health books, and more. At least, teenagers can learn about how to keep and use the reproductive organs and sexual behavior are smart and healthy. It is also important, so that the wall-taboo taboo surrounding reproductive health can be broken into.
Third, deepen teaching and religious values. In the context of religion (Islam), teenagers are legally considered a person of legal age and have the legal fallout, mukallaf. Therefore, all things pertaining to His commands and prohibitions, are automatically attached to itself, to be obeyed. To that end, deepen teaching and religious values to be had, so that faith and the unwavering devotion of the youth, especially the firm of any temptation promiscuity; drugs, free sex, and any other destructive behavior.
Fourth, adolescence filled with a variety of positive social activities. This can be done in various ways, some of which are for example the following extra-curricular activities in schools, youth active in mosques in their respective regions, or a variety of other activities that are beneficial.
Through the steps above, God willing, what we aspire together, to build and be a smart and healthy adolescent reproductive be achieved. So there is no other way, except as soon as possible to start life with a smart and healthy as I recommended above. May be useful. Allaah 'bi al-sowab nature....
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