Selasa, 26 November 2013

YOUNG, SMOKING & POVERTY (REMAJA, merokok & kemiskinan)

For most people smoke nowadays has become a primary need that can not be delayed . when the desire comes, sometimes people force themselves in various ways in order to smoke . Humans seem to have been enslaved and menuhankan cigarettes , as well as the anxiety of a literary poet Taufik Ismail so he creates a poem " God nine inches " .
Viewing of the dangers of smoking in terms of health and fears some would cigarettes have become idols momentary pleasure as represented by a poet Taufik Ismail . It 's all smoke disappears when viewed from an economic standpoint very menuntungkan country despite health costs borne by the state is not comparable to the cigarette tax revenues .
The target of cigarette tax revenue, so fantastic amounts to 79 trillion . What happens when the target is not achieved , it may be in trim fuel subsidies run out . So if we are going to encourage people to smoke in order to continue subsidized fuel . ?
Money circulating among the tobacco industry is very fantastic . It is estimated that smokers in Indonesia continues to grow so that the target of the national cigarette production rose too terkerek lawful market . It is estimated that the national cigarette production target of more than 300 billion cigarettes .. ! If we assume the average price of the least expensive 500 dollars / trunk , then the money is burned is 150 trillion a year .. ! . Suppose the state could impose a ban or strictly control the smokers or there is a strong effort to prevent people to quit smoking . Undoubtedly tens of billions of money could be saved for not burned and contributed money to subsidize fuel , it 's over the fuel price hike issue .
Which is ironic is the highest increase in smokers in our country it is located at a young age strata , children , teenagers and even women also become new smokers . Yet the enormity of the effects of smoking can cause a variety of diseases and of course will drain public health funds and government . Losses caused by an estimated 300 trillion cigarettes , this is clearly not comparable to pursue budget target of 79 trillion cigarettes only .
Naturally Indonesia underestimated by the international community for having children of his own people for the sake soluble in the cigarette smoking addiction and the " penggedenya " . Because it is our one of the countries that have not signed the international regulation of cigarettes . In western countries alone or with our nearest neighbor cigarettes sold at very high prices and are not sold freely and easily obtained , they even require cigarette packs were given a terrible image of smoking . The children were not able to purchase cigarettes easily just adults who can afford it .
Koran Tempo ( Friday , 13 April 2012 ) proclaim export clove cigarettes from Indonesia to Brazil because Brazil hampered the possibility to implement the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act as in force the United States and Australia . So cigarettes are sold there must be a plain wrapper from the previous pictorial fruits such as strawberries . This image is considered to be too tempting young smokers to try . The restriction applies cigarettes in Australia since the end of last year because of all the cigarette packs are required to olive green with no picture . The rule is named Plain Cigarette Packaging Law was based on the results of research that says green is not attractive to most smokers . Cigarette companies are only allowed to put a brand with a small size . What about in Indonesia .. ?
How can our nation going forward due to the effects of smoking habits and more people are becoming sick ( both active smokers and passive smokers ) . Sluggish blood flow to the brain and makes agility of thinking and reduced intelligence . Big lie to say that cigarettes increase the agility and sources of inspiration such as advertising on television . A few examples are sports fields we are getting the biggest sponsor of the tobacco companies . In recent years we have always degenerate badminton team performance because there is no blessing because cigarette menyengsarakaan funded by the people . It could be that the respiratory system if the athletes we 've tainted cigarettes . Unlike athletes from other countries are well protected by the country's smoking problem . And the sad we can see how the Garuda on my chest should be slaughtered to 10-0 by bahrain , losing stamina . Keep in mind also is the primary sponsor of the non league football in Indonesia .
It used to be when the draft law on tobacco control could be busy with a number of chapters missing ( Paragraph 2 of Article 113 of Law No. 36 of 2009 ) in the Bill even said to involve the chairman of the Committee predicated woman doctor from a major party . Thank God now it has resurfaced article even this bill has been passed into law on Tobacco Control , even now being prepared lesson plans on tobacco control is one of Pictorial Health Warning , the necessity of applying image effects due to smoking , the offer is how big the picture was included in the pack cigarettes .
Although the Tobacco Control Act was approved but Indonesia is very unfortunate in this case the leader of the nation , still has not ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco ( FCTC ) . Whether because of pressure from the tobacco companies or funding from the cigarette tax is so great . But smoking was impoverishing the penghisapnya . Affordability or level of the purchasing power of Indonesian cigarettes are very high to reach nmudah means . Smoking is the second highest expenditure after rice for the poor Indonesian . Surprisingly again according to the study LD - FE UI that poor people do not feel able to finance their children's schools while spending on buy cigarettes when totalized then enough to pay for their children's school . Purchasing cigarettes a priority of the nutritious food . So if there BLSM ( Direct Assistance meantime ) as a substitute fuel price hike should be the recipient should not smoke .. !
This fact contrasts with the owner of the cigarette factory . Two Indonesian cigarette industry owners perched on the order of No. 1 and No. 2 richest man in Indonesia . Even more powerful octopus cigarette manufacturers simply controlled by five large factories , two of which are Philip Morris ( Sampoerna ) and British American Tobacco ( Bentoel ) . To sampoerna yangsangat they have big factory in Bekasi Cibitung and filigree . Which became their flagship product is Djie sam soe ( Clove ) and Marlboro ( White Cigarettes ) .
At present all the latest cigarette manufacturing machine can make 10,000 stems / min , when compared speeds handmade cigarettes , one pack of cigarettes most quickly resolved by the time of 2.5 minutes . So if the cigarette machine converted with a modern equivalent of more than 2000 workers .
Kudus in Central Java which is the center of the tobacco industry is the largest recipient of the cigarette tax in Indonesia . With 25 trillion more tax revenue . In a district in West Java which is a place where tobacco companies get a share of more than 2 billion per year . A small portion of them for anti-smoking counseling . While cigarette advertising costs incurred nearly 2 trillion more per year for a tobacco company , it's not what it's ass money 2 billion when the funds are released to Jamkesda any more than that .
Currently many NGOs NGOs are struggling to make people aware of the dangers of smoking addiction . Among the NGOs that have been declared anti-smoking , among others , LDUI , UI , Muhamadiyyah . Now the anti- tobacco activists launched a book entitled A Giant Pack of Lies , a book that highlights the superiority of the tobacco industry in Indonesia . The book was written by Mardiyah Chamim , Rev. Dhyatmika , Farid Gaban and his friends as a manifestation of their concern for the regulatory push for more pro -smoking policy in public health . In this book about the investigation sparked various parties reveal all the lies used by the tobacco industry to attract more young people to smoke . Internationally too many international foundations that fund anti-smoking aid disbursed for anti-smoking campaigns , such as Bloomberg Philanthropy belongs to Bill Gates .
In addition to writing campaign and other movements unisex volunteers who go directly to awaken and stop smoking with various terapy . There are lots of methods and therapy that is used to stop the smoking addiction , among others with drug Champix and techniques SEFT ( Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique ) is a technique that combines self development ekletis 14 technical kinds of therapy . Including the spiritual strength to cope with a wide variety of physical problems , emotional thoughts , attitudes , motivation , behavior and personal development . For smokers SEFT technique is very easy to run just 5 minutes without any side effects with full-blooded and hypnoterapy . The volunteers are members of Forum Communications Counselors work closely with health centers Cigarette move to villages to menerapy smokers who want to quit smoking .

Kamis, 21 November 2013


What to do or not to do . That's the most common teen questions , to this day .Drugs , sex , smoking and alcohol are some of the most frightening choice for teens in today's society . Many parents who do not know , that the sons and daughters of those bad decisions , by choosing some options earlier . And many parents are uncertain as to whether his son can choose the right decision , because of their limited experience .As a teenager who want a healthy life , without drugs , sex , smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages , teenagers actually get over it and be able to live healthy . However , the most important is the role , support , trust , and understanding of the elderly is the main thing that teenagers can live better and healthier .If children make mistakes in decision-making . Parents' role here should be central to his problem . Approach mentally and psychologically they should do . If it is infected , do pengecekkan doctor for health body. And may have to go to a psychologist for psychological health .For teenagers who are â ? ? Galauâ ? ? ? will choice decision, here are the things that must be considered so that you become intelligent teenagers in a positive decision , which will bring you a healthy teenager .3 teens intelligent choice to be healthy adolescents :1 . More engaging with parents : The intensity of the child's relationship with parents being the main actor in the lives of teenagers . The more teens need psychological needs of the elderly . If parents fulfill their psychological needs , the teenagers will tend to think and do positive activities , and avoid stress . So that his life will be spared from the disease caused by stress .2 . Ability to cope with stress : pressure in teenagers' lives , it 's things that have to be faced . The teens must be smart and must have a special trick to overcome the pressure yag come , so do not be stressed . For those who can not deal with stress , they will seek an outlet , such as smoking or drinking alcohol . Positive tricks to do to relieve stress , ie by choosing other positive activities , such as sports or the streets .3 . Choosing a healthy diet and exercise : Selection of the right foods , such as fruits and vegetables , will make you avoid some diseases and to avoid negative habits , such as smoking . Then exercise , these activities will make your mind fresh and away from the stress or pressure that comes .Well , it was fun healthy living . You live with the youth if healthy , will be spared from the disease and can do activities that you want. Believe you can .

Rabu, 20 November 2013


Adolescence (adolescence) is a vital period and determine. He was a period in which the process of transition (displacement) as a bridge that connects between childhood and adulthood. This period marked the various changes; physical, hormonal and started functioning reproductive organs; haidl, wet dreams, and so forth. Therefore, at the same time, the period of adolescence is so synonymous with the presence of all sorts of efforts to find and define his identity as part of the family and the community where he hangs out.
So that, as it refers to the World Health Organizarion (WHO) or the World Health Organization, defines youth as individuals who are going through the transition; terms of biological sexual maturity are gradually showing secondary sex characteristics until they reach sexual maturity, in terms of psychological development , soul emerging from childishness to maturity; socio-economic terms it is individuals who move from dependence to be relatively free.
In order for the changes that occur in adolescence has a positive impact, the role of parents is absolutely necessary. Not without reason, it is important that the youth was mistaken then fill his teenage years and not easily fall into the valley of disgrace; promiscuity, drugs, free sex, and other such. In addition to the role of parents is absolutely necessary, raise awareness and understanding about adolescent reproductive health by themselves as early as possible, it is also very necessary. So that the ideals to be smart and healthy adolescents not only understood by parents, but also embedded in the teen's own self.
In adolescence, reproductive health must be a priority. Reproductive health, as referred to in Chapter (Nan) VII of the Plan of Action results ICDP, 1994, is defined as: a state of physical, mental, social feasibility as a whole, in all matters relating to the reproductive system following funsi-functions and its processes.
Therefore, a few steps below, should be a reference to the youth (of course with the guidance of parents) that can then be smart and healthy to understand the changes that are closely related to their reproductive health. Thus, with these steps, anxiety or fear, and all negative effects that often prevails and perceived by teens can be avoided.
First, make the parents as key partners. Yes, make parents as a shelter, share, and

exchange experiences of all youth activities, especially with regard to complaints that often occurs in adolescence. Because unlike the others, by parents, respects privacy will be guaranteed confidentiality. Second, look for good information about reproductive health. In an age which is too advanced, it is not difficult to find information on adolescent reproductive health, through the internet, newspapers, health books, and more. At least, teenagers can learn about how to keep and use the reproductive organs and sexual behavior are smart and healthy. It is also important, so that the wall-taboo taboo surrounding reproductive health can be broken into. 

Third, deepen teaching and religious values. In the context of religion (Islam), teenagers are legally considered a person of legal age and have the legal fallout, mukallaf. Therefore, all things pertaining to His commands and prohibitions, are automatically attached to itself, to be obeyed. To that end, deepen teaching and religious values ​​to be had, so that faith and the unwavering devotion of the youth, especially the firm of any temptation promiscuity; drugs, free sex, and any other destructive behavior.
Fourth, adolescence filled with a variety of positive social activities. This can be done in various ways, some of which are for example the following extra-curricular activities in schools, youth active in mosques in their respective regions, or a variety of other activities that are beneficial.
Through the steps above, God willing, what we aspire together, to build and be a smart and healthy adolescent reproductive be achieved. So there is no other way, except as soon as possible to start life with a smart and healthy as I recommended above. May be useful. Allaah 'bi al-sowab nature....

Selasa, 19 November 2013

How to Socialize mistake in Adolescents

In every stage of life, one can not live alone, because humans are essentially social creatures. Adolescence to be the most vulnerable stage in the process of socializing. The unstable adolescent psychological cause is difficult to control the pressure from outside. Many things become a psychological burden of a teenager, especially those born and grew at this time where information and communication technology has advanced rapidly, such as adolescent peer pressure and negative effects of the rapid advancement of technology.
The influence of peers on an adolescent is very large, because the need for acceptance in the community is very important. It made teens tend to accept all his words and actions without thinking first. Tendency to form a community youth have positive and negative effects. The most positive thing visible from a community is a strong relationship between members. The relationship can also be a negative thing if it intersects with other communities. The most common example we see is a fight between students. Conflict between communities is not only common among young men, but young women, although usually not until a physical clash. Negative impact of community influence than physical clash is a relationship with the opposite sex. A teenager will be nervous if only he among communities that do not have a partner. Must have a pair like this would divert the concentration of what he should do, especially education. Pre-marital sex is a negative impact of peer influence is least expected.
Technology has made things easier, including in terms of communication. Currently, people in Indonesia can communicate with anyone, anywhere with ease. Facebook and some other virtual world sites to be the most common means for a person to socialize now. Teenagers today seem to be very dependent on all these sites and many of them are consumed time hence. The negative impact of social networking sites, in addition to time wasted, is a misuse of the site. Lately, there is trafficking crime, in this case young women, are revealed using Facebook site. There are many more cases of abuse of the other social networking sites and teens to be the most vulnerable victims. Relationship and communication with peers is one of the stages of growth and maturity that it must be lived by every teenager. Mistakes and errors that occur in the socializing is a natural thing, because people learn from both. Family into the controller and the controller for a teenager to be able to learn from his mistakes. When teens make mistakes, the family works to correct and advise him. All the psychological burden experienced by a teenager who could do no wrong push can be alleviated with the families that support them.


Teens adolesence derived from the Latin word meaning to grow or grow into adulthood. Adolensence term has a broader meaning that covers mental maturity, social emotional and physical (Hurlock, 1992). Teens actually do not have a clear place for not including class children, but not too mature or old group. As proposed by Candidate (in Monks, et al 1990) that adolescence shows clearly the nature of the transition or transition because teens do not acquire adult status and no longer have the status of children.
E.g. borring (In Hurlock, 1990) says that adolescence is a period of the growth of a person in transition from adult children backwards, which includes all the development is experienced as a preparation for adulthood. While Monks, et al (in Hurlock, 1990) states that adolescence was a time when people evolved from the first time showed signs of sexual, psychological and developmental experience identifying patterns from childhood to adulthood, as well as a shift from full social and economic dependence on the state independent.
Neidahart (in Hurlock, 1990) states that adolescence is a period of transition and the dependence on time kemasa adult children, and adolescents in this age are required to be independent. This argument is similar to that proposed by Ottorank (in Hurlock, 1990) that adolescence is a period of drastic change depending on the state of being self-sufficient state, even Daradjat (in Hurlock, 1990) said that adolescence is a time when the emergence of a variety of needs and emotions as well as growing strength and physical ability and power clearer fikir mature.
Erikson (in Hurlock, 1990) states that adolescence is a critical period of identity or identity issues - teenage ego. Adolescent identity is sought in the form of an attempt to explain who he is and what its role in society, as well as the search for a new sense of continuity and similarity of the teenagers must fight back and someone will be ready to put one's idol and ideal as a guide in achieving the final identity.
Based on teens who have some sense suggested by experts, it can be concluded that the juvenile is an individual who was in the transition from childhood into adulthood and is characterized by a very rapid development of the physical, psychological and social....


VERY different teenagers today * with teenagers antiquity ..,, many differences antiquity to now ...,
 like ..:  

1, Love antiquity dating is still a limit-batas'y .., berpegngan hand is still not brave, adjacent chatting still using norm "religion ..,
Today's teenage son had known since she was sitting romance d SD (primary school) sudh EVEN dare dare dating both be a pair., remja today had dared to hold hands and even kiss .., REALLY PATHETIC

2, the CLOTHES 

antiquity teen clothes are very simple and neat .., conyohy boy "of pants are very polite., clothes clean too .., daughter of pants are very well covered clothes neat and polite, always wear hoods where "..,
Today's boys' wear jeans celan where "even double 3, preformance continue to wear boxer shorts (shorts)., and jeans .., clothing such as the western contemporary women from wearing pants jeans very short even very tight clothing (lekton)., 

3, hair styles antiquity hair very neatly and not made wide ".,
Today's very messy hair, follow the western style .., such as cat hair in colorful warn., in alignment etc..,, boy today is like a man's ear "in love earrings ear pierce even his own ..,
maybe this is all I know about the differences in adolescent antiquity with contemporary,, how to cope with children today .., of course parents should be in control levels....

Rabu, 13 November 2013

The Adolescent Post-Independence Struggle fade

Not crowded teens who want to appreciate the meaning of independence .

TERRACE Belia 1Malaysia bahawa sighted young group needs to drive change and go hala mencorakkan country trip .
Respect , the young today have strengthened with cultural stability and height values ​​of life so that future generations are formed in the presence able to face cabaran contemporaries .
However, the real issue budayalah so complicated to deal with. It thus perceived that culture is not just stalled in scientific discourses sake only , but what can we see in the practice of community life .
We see his own youth and especially young who were born on this day to experience a crisis of identity and vision of life .
In fact, the symptoms of this life kemelesetan vision led to the erosion of real human struggle in the face of this earth namely the right to maintain , resist the unjust .
In the context of development and prosperity of the country , has a young bond to ensure social justice , ethical and social development , leaving the popular culture ( western culture attack ) which menyahkan ummah identity based on the proposition progress in fighting Islam .
Western cultural attack is indeed something that can not be avoided anymore . With the victory of the flow - liberal - democratic capitalism is a threat to local culture .
Capitalism that makes lucrative purposes solely as the terrace is now hidden in various forms , rather than the use , communication tools sophistication , style of personality , music , siri reality until well into the percambahan televisyen entertainment centers without thinking it sounded to local culture .Merempit is social aktiviti today's youth .
If the young are far from attitudes and struggles principled and visionary , they will dissolve in the form of a new culture that emphasizes sensation , immorality , vulgarity, which is beyond culture ( utopia ) that implement the attitude of individualism .
one of Conduct
In the Malaysian context , we can not deny the nature bahawa young generation cabaran 're dealing with a culture that is so serious .
In these days , young generation are dealing with various forms of culture that is both destructive and unprofitable state .
This terzahir than one behavior and various social issues rather than cultural berpunca hedonism , ' sensate ' and permissive .
The younger generation is more likely to spend time partying and berhiburan , attending konsert , dating and mix freely than doing aktiviti - aktiviti more useful .
See sake only how young we welcome the arrival of the new year , Independence Day and Malaysia Day speech mahupun konsert and fiesta with the recommendation that bermartabatkan to deliver voice teenagers in the context of the struggle for independence.
Penganjuran Konsert
However , what is sad to say here , matlamat advocacy konsert struggle for goals can not be achieved at all if the advocates of pure results ultimately led to the temasya purely entertainment and not outrageous to say no struggle is conveyed through advocacy konsert recently Here you are.
What erties struggle for this young group should they berkiblatkan entertainment with the intention of fighting ? What do they understand about the fight in case they do not respect the rights and heritage of nations that are not aware they memperlekehkan Bright Path as a range of fabric unfurled deck preoccupied with celebrity host and stage offerings also antarabangsa ?
Indeed, we naturally feel upset , concerned and agitated by all this social wabak . It became so kerana supposing no efforts terancang and design culture (cultural planning) , during the generation before will be weak and not able to deal with change contemporaries .Konsert entertainment and youth group gets the most attention . - Picture decoration .
As the post- independence generation , teenagers need to go back to understand the history and development of our country . This is important as the yardstick and donate pemangkin in solemn and devotion to his beloved country .
Without an understanding of the development of the country and blind history , we may drift away from the pleasures of life are neglected .
That respect , we should not feel quite simply what is. We need to open up the space and create chances as a trend of thought to realize a more proactive .
Progress and development around the world need to be harnessed and used as ingredients sebahagian than to advance themselves and the country .
According spark Islamic thinkers , Bennabi Malik has revealed concerning the people as a syndrome kebolehjajahan colonializibility , we easily colonized stem is not great due to the colonizing culture , but it all started when our own have forgotten the principles of our own identity rather than religion consists , grip values ​​and culture .
Only when we are no longer confident in our own strength , then colonial culture and ideas more easily applicable . Minda and cultural colonialism key weakness is self- owned .
Precisely , in an effort to perpetuate the culture and the country 's independence , and teens need to be more productive when trying to do something case .
The teens should be more resilient in the face of cabaran to defend their rights . We must also self-sufficient and not dependent on foreign powers in order to ensure the sovereignty of the state .
In addition , young leaders need to also think about a strategy to engage the young generation with various useful activities .
Pembabitan more crowded with young into aktiviti aktiviti - social , voluntary and community , leadership characteristics and cultural values ​​that can positively recast into the form of acts directly served with agendas entertainment only .